Wednesday 31 March 2010

Rio Luhung Pribadi [2201409116]

Exercises 5

1. No, it doesn’t give us any information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s Chilhood
2. Most of this passage are about Mrs. Roosevelt’s role in the commission of human rights
3. This passage only gives us a positive impression. Because there are many sentences about her good acts, like her humor sense and her intellect
4. Her greatest accomplishment is The Declaration of Human Rights
5. She is a great and humorist person.

Exercise 6

1. About her personal life, her childhood, and more details about her.
2. The two passages are similar because both of them are explain about Eleanor Roosevelt, but on the second passage explain about her personal life that doesn’t exist on the first passage.
3. The encyclopedia entry, because it gives us more details.
4. The web page, because if we use the encyclopedia entry it will need more spaces to explain.
5. Web page, because it provides us the general information about the object.

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