Tuesday 30 March 2010

Martina Hyastika Ramadhani [2201409077]

Exercise 5
  1. Does this passage give you information about Eleanor Roosevelt's childhood? -No, it doesn't.
  2. What is most of this passage about? -About Eleanor Roosevelt in her political activities and her organisation.
  3. Does this passage give a positive or a negative impression of Mrs. Roosevelt? How can you tell? -This passage gives a positive impression of Mrs. Roosevelt. We know a lot about Mrs. Eleanor's work in her organisations.
  4. What did Mrs. Roosevelt feel was her greatest accomplishment? -She felt satisfied and proud with her accomplishment for being the most influential member of the United Nation's Commision on Human Rights.
  5. What can you tell about Mrs. Roosevelt as a person? -She is an extraordinary woman. She can do her political activities very well.
Exercise 6
  1. What information does the encyclopedia entry add to what you already know about Mrs. Roosevelt? -About Mrs. Roosevelt's childhood.
  2. In which ways are the two passages similar? In which ways are they different? -The two passages give us information about Mrs. Roosevelt. The first passage tells us about Mrs. Roosevelt's career, whereas the second passage tell us about Mrs. Roosevelt's childhood.
  3. If you were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt's life , which  source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why? -The encyclopedia entry, because it gives us more factual information about life biography of someone.
  4. If you were writing a report about the United Nations, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why? -The web page, because the web page gives us more up to date information than encyclopedia.
  5. Which is easier to skim, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why? -The encyclopedia entry, because encyclopedia has outline in each paragraph.

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