Wednesday 31 March 2010

Adam Ismail [2201409015]

Exercise 5

1. Does this passage give you information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood?
No, this passage doesn’t give me any information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood.

2. What is most of this passage about?
This passage mostly tells us about the great effort of Eleanor Roosevelt as the member of the United Nation’s Commission on Human Rights.

3. Does this passage give a positive or a negative impression of Mrs. Roosevelt? How can you tell?
Yes, it does. It is undoubted that Mrs. Roosevelt is one of the most influential members of the United Nation’s Commission on Human Rights. Despite of that, she is also depicted as hard working woman who is friendly, easygoing, and clever that she had won international respect and admiration all over the world.

4. What did Mrs. Roosevelt feel was her greatest accomplishment?
She felt that the establishment of Declaration of Human Right was her greatest accomplishment through her life.

5. What can you tell about Mrs. Roosevelt as a person?
Mrs. Roosevelt is one of the greatest women I’ve ever known. She is admired and respected for his role in declaring Declaration of Human Rights and her good personality as well. I think I am along with Adlai Stevenson to say that she is a kind of person that ought to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Exercise 6

1. What information does the encyclopedia entry add to what you already know about Mrs. Roosevelt?
The encyclopedia entry adds me abundant information about Mrs. Roosevelt’s entire life from her earlier childhood until she’s passed away.

2. In which ways are the two passages similar? In which ways are they different?
The both passages are similar in describing her personality and her achievement in United Nation’s Commission on Human Rights. However, they are different in the focus of the text. The first passage is focused on the role and the achievement of Mrs. Roosevelt in United Nation’s Commission on Human Rights. On the other hand, the second one is focused on Mrs. Roosevelt’s entire life.

3. If you were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
If I were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, I would rather using the encyclopedia entry than the web page because the encyclopedia entry is more focused on Mrs. Roosevelt’s entire life.

4. If you were writing a report about the United Nations, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
If I were writing a report about the United Nations, I prefer using the web page to the encyclopedia entry because the web page is more focused in explaining United Nations.

5. Which is easier to skim, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
If I compared the two passages I could say for sure that the encyclopedia entry is easier to skim than the web page because of its abundant information and the catchy layout.
Later on, if it comes to my own opinion comparing web page to encyclopedia entry, It is indeed that the encyclopedia entry is far easier to skim than the web page. I could say like that because I’ve experienced reading the web page is a SUCK. We have to give more focus while reading it because sometimes the layout of web page is not well set for reading and full with ads and other web widgets. Well, I don’t say that all web pages is that bad. However, skimming the encyclopedia entry is better, as the encyclopedia is certainly issued to help the reader to get information about something in ease.

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