Friday 2 April 2010

Eva Agusti Purnarini [2201409086]

Exercise 5
1. Does this passage give you information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood?
    No, it doesn’t.
2. What is most of this passage about?
    This passage is most about Eleanor Roosevelt’s life.
3. Does this passage give a positive or negative impression of Mrs. Roosevelt? How can you tell?
    This passage gives us a positive impression because it talks about her career and her accomplishment.
4. What did Mrs. Roosevelt feel was greatest accomplishment?
    Mrs. Roosevelt felt was her greatest accomplishment when she worked in Declaration of Human Right.
5. What can you tell about Mrs. Roosevelt as a person?
    Mrs. Roosevelt is an influential person, I guess.

Exercise 6
1. What information does the encyclopedia entry add to what you already know about Mrs. Roosevelt?
    Encyclopedia entry adds much information about her childhood that she had an intensely unhappy      childhood.
2. In which ways are two passages similar? In which ways are they different?
   Similarity in the two passages is in containing. Both of them explain about Eleanor Roosevelt’s life.
   And the different is the way of presenting information that will to  inform to reader. In the second passage, the information arranged systematically and divided into several parts and each part there is subtitle than make the readers easy to understand than the first passage.
3. If you were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
    If I was writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt life, it is more useful if I use the encyclopedia entry one, because I will get more detail information from her childhood until her lately life, and her    achievements also.
4. If you were writing a report about the United Nations, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
5. Which is easier to skim, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
   I think, the passage which easier to skim is the encyclopedia entry, because it contains all life’s aspect, more detail, and it is divided into each aspect so that more easier to skim.

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