Friday, 30 April 2010

Group 7

Sinta Arianti Siwi [2201409039]

Title : The Ghost Writer
Author : Robert Haris
Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Number of pages/paragraphs : 320 pages
Type of book : _√_Fiction __Nonfiction
Level of difficulty for you : __Easy _√ _OK __Difficult
Date Begun : 2 April 2010
Date Finished : 28 April 2010

When I was reading this book, I opened my imagination entirely.
It happened when the story beginning. Former British prime Minister named, Adam Lang is up against a firm deadline to submit his memoirs to his publisher, and the project is very dangerous. The writer is not only supplied the imagination story, but also the action story. It was Michael McAra who becomes the collaborator of Adam Lang. He is killed in a accident in the ferry, the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. The climax starting when a professional ghostwriter is hired to whip the manuscript into the shape, but the unnamed writer soon discoveries that separating truth from fiction in Lang’s recollections a challenge. Besides that, the writer (Robert Harris) gave the final decision about this story. Adam Lang may have been a murder. The sad ending happened.
Searching those real words was to be extinct dramatically. This book quickly describes me into its story before I realize why? I had to be detective when I read it spontaneously. The writers gave the humors in order to bring the differently catch from the readers. It’s an intelligent page-turner that includes the mutual and serious problem. Finally, I think about this book is good to read.

Noviana Sadam Dewanti [2201409034]

Title : The Luminous Life of Bill Gates
Author : - (Editor: Shyam Dua)
Publisher : Tiny Tot Publications
Date published : 2004
Number of pages/paragraphs : 96 pages
Type of book : __Fiction _√_Nonfiction
Level of difficulty for you : __Easy __OK _√_Difficult
Date Begun : 29 April 2010
Date Finished : 30 April 2010

What did you like most about this book/article?
» I wondered the Bill Gates’ life journey and how he can get the success in Microsoft Incorporation. I have found his inspiring words in the page 23rd. He (Bill Gates) believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can accomplish anything. Bill thinks that if you don’t work your hardest you will never succeed. He works very hard and very competitively to carry out his vision. He is also philanthropy by endowing a foundation with more than $24 billion to support philanthropic initiatives in the areas of global health and learning.
What did you like least about this book/article?
» I feel disappointed because it does not tell the author. I have got difficulty in understanding it especially about the names or the abbreviations of computer device which is mentioned in it. It should better to give a glossary in the last page.

Eva Agusti Purnarini [2201409086]

Title : Love and Literacy in the Time of Parenting
Author : Pam Allyn
Date published : 6 March 2010
Number of pages/paragraphs : 3 pages
Type of book : _√_Fiction __Nonfiction
Level of difficulty for you : __Easy _√_OK __Difficult
What did you like most about this book/article?
»I like most this story is the characteristic of ‘Mom’. This story shows the relation between mom and her daughter in the digital age. Mom tried to enter her daughter’s world, techno universe that have to be understood. There are good suggestion for parents, they are journey alongside the children, protect the value of those passages and become fellow travelers ion new universe.
What did you like least about this book/article?
»This article is the way to describe the story that made me confused because sometimes the story told me about mom’s ideas in her mind. So, I couldn’t differentiate between mom’s ideas and dialog or something that she shares with her daughter.

Group 4

Dwi Iswahyuni (2201409028)
A’in Ratna Mulyani (2201409058)
Dian Khoirun Nikmah (2201406525)
Elementary Reading

The Report of Reading Assignment

# Dwi Iswahyuni #

Dwi likes to read the article that titled British Education System. It is caused of the clear defined about it. So it makes she understand about it easily. After 15 minutes, she read this passage that has two pages; she can conclude that there are several parts of the education system in UK. Some of them are secondary school ages 11-13 (school years 7-9), secondary school graduation (SCG) ages 14-15 (school years 10-11), etc. She at least likes this passages in organizing of the writing which is systematic.

# A'in Ratna Mulyani #

Title : Building Exchange Links Locally
Author : Kang Guru Indonesia
Publisher : Kang Guru Indonesia
Date Published : December 2009
Type of Article : Nonfiction
Level of difficulty for you : easy

What did you like most about this book or article?
This acticle tells us about building exchange links locally. Usually, When teachers and students think of exchanges they usually think about going to another country.
That is not always possible but valuable exchanges can also happen locally.
The experience gained by teachers and students can be just as valuable as going to another country.
I can see from the example that done by BCU students ( I don't know what is BCU stand for, sorry ).
Recently BCU students had the opportunity to work with an Australian health professional.They made a little researches on malaria. Then They made a presentation and showed it in 6 different local schools.
Beside, they also participated in a direct student exchange with nearby schools.
It means that building exchange links locally can be the new inovation in this country to make a good relation between students from different schools.

What did you like least about this book/article?
Well, actually I like the article. So, there's no reason for me not to read it because it's very interesting and give me much information.

# Dian Khoirun Nikmah #

The title article that Dian read April 18th 2010 for about an hour is ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN INDONESIAN SCHOOLS IN THE ERA OF GLOBALITATION. The writer is Mochtar Marhum in Tadulako University. Dian does believe that he is from Indonesia. Because it is clear from his name and his writing. The writing that consists of 14 pages is about the condition of RSBI (International Designated Rating Schools). He concerns his topic about RSBI in Central Sulawesi Provence. As English students, Dian is proud because she can use and share my knowledge about English to others. Especially, the condition of local schools have to face the challenging their quality about English to fulfill the law of government. She is also proud of the improving of Indonesian education step by step. Hopefully this progress will be continued.

siti mukhoyyaroh 2201406579

Siti Mukhoyyaroh
Friday, 01.00 s.d 02.30

Record of Books/Article Read

Title author publisher Date begun Date finished Number of pages or paragraph
Promoting Peace through Life Skill Activities KGI champion Suryadi - Madura Kang Guru Indonesia 20 march 2010 20 march 2010 Seven paragraphs

Title : Promoting Peace through Life Skill Activities
Author : KGI champion Suryadi - Madura
Publisher : Kang Guru Indonesia
Date Published : March 2010
Type of Article : Fiction
Level of difficulty for you : Ok

What did you like most about this book or article?

This article gives us information about how to explore our capacity and knowledge on peace building issues. We can learn many things about the International Youth conference from this article and motivate us to contribute something on promoting peace to other people. The writer also arranged to promote to stimulate the peace massage through life skill activities at 8 LAPIS- integration targeted school in Madura. After getting the agreement from the principals and teachers, the writer intended to make a positive difference in student’s motivation to learn and succeed in a peaceful community. It’s good start where they learn to be caring socially responsible.

What did you like least about this book/article?
This article does not explain in detail about when it was happened, why it was happened and etc. It was only gives at glance information.

Martina Hyastika Ramadhani (2201409077)

B. Record of Books/Articles Read

Title : Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason
Author : Helen Fielding
Publisher : Picador
Date begun : January 2010
Date finished : 28 April 2010
Number of pages : 422 pages

C. Books/Articles Response Sheet

Title : Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason
Author : Helen Fielding
Publisher : Picador
Date publisher : 2000
Type of book : Fiction
Level of difficulty for you : difficult

What did you like most about this book?
The story. That was a funny and serious novel, and we knew about western life from this novel.

What did you like least about this book?
There was so many difficult words/slangs in this novel.

Thursday, 29 April 2010


my friends do not forget to collect our monthly assigments in this blog. Thank you. keep post yaaa...


Thursday, 22 April 2010

Martina Hyastika Ramadhani (2201409077)

Exercise 3

Panda Bears in China

1.Topic : Panda Bears
Main Idea : Panda bears are slowly dying out.
2.Topic : The Newborn Baby Panda
Main Idea : The whole first year of panda’s life.
3.Topic : Mother of Panda
Main Idea : How a female panda bear take care of her baby.

Exercise 4

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

1.Topic : The Exxon Valdez Ship
Main Idea : The disaster in Prince William Sound caused by the Exxon Valdez.
2.Topic : The Consequences of The Oil Spill
Main Idea : The oil spill changed the situation of Prince William Sound.
3.Topic : Harbor Seal
Main Idea : The long term effects of the Valdez oil spill decline the harbor seal’s population.

Exercise 5

Errors in Geography

1.Topic : Errors in Drawing a Map
Main Idea : The home continent is often drawn too large, according to the point of view of its citizen.
2.Topic : The Influence of Old Maps Made with the “Mercator Projector”
Main Idea : The Mercator maps enlarge the size of Europe, and make Africa seems too small.
3.Topic : the “Kong Mountains”
Main Idea : The disappearance of the “Kong Mountains” from the maps of Africa.

Exercise 6

Hans Christian Andersen

1.Topic : Hans Christian Andersen
Main Idea : Anddersen’s childhood.
2.Topic : The Life of Andersen in Copenhagen
Main Idea : How Andersen worked hard to become a successful writer.
3.Topic : Andersen’s Fairy Tales
Main Idea : How Andersen got idea to write his fairy tales.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Yegenklych Yegenklychev [2201409131]

Exercise 5

1. No
2. About Eleanar Roosevelt’s convictions that made her to become an outstanding humanitarian activist.
3. It gives a positive view of her profile. She’s promoter of the declaration of human rights in the UN.
4. She regarded the Universal Declaration as her greatest accomplishment.
5. She’s an idealist and tireless person in humanitarian movement.

Exercise 6

1. Her childhood.
2. The similarities are describing her as one of an outstanding humanatarian reformist and leader. The differences is, the first one explains her career background the second tells her life in general and chronogical way.
3. The encyclopedia, because the writing of encyclopedia seems more objective, disregarding the author’s opinion and comment.
4. The encyclopedia, because it’s more brief and complete.
5. The web page, because it’s more practical.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Dian Khoirun Nikmah [2201406525]


1. Exactly yes. This passage tells me about her track record in her life.
2. This passage is about Eleanor Roosevelt’s good characteristics and award that had got.
3. Both of them. The positive impression is the most point of this passage that she is a great person, modesty (paragraph 3), brave (paragraph 2), intellectual, social, concern in humanity etc. Her dedication in many aspects of life are really showed by this passage too. Only one negative impression of her that is in seventh paragraph tells us about her way in giving comment of the length meeting bay emotionally.
4. She felt so so because her nature style as modest woman even in her declaration advise to be modest women. It was one of her motivation to be greater. Her struggling in human rights has not finished yet at that time.
5. Based on the passage she is great, intellectual, brave and modest. It will better if I know her by myself (hm..).


1. It tells us about her biography from her born till died. She was born on October, 11 1884 and died on November 7 1962. Many careers that she made are also told in this passage.
2. The two passages are same about the content and different in the way of delivering.
3. Her family. By knowing it we will know her life and her track record. Every reader will learn and may be continue her project.
4. Her track record and her personal independence. We can learn about her track record and easier to understand.
5. The encyclopedia entry where based on the pint and easier to understand.

Group 4

Dwi Iswahyuni (2201409028)
A’in Ratna Mulyani (2201409058)
Dian Khoirun Nikmah (2201406525)
Elementary Reading

The report of Reading Assignment

Our discussion was conducted on Thursday at 10.30 a.m. – 00.25 p.m. in front of B3117B. We discussed and shared about our reading report each other. The first turn was told by Ain. She shared us about a magazine from Australia, the Kangguru magazine. It is published by the Australia government cooperate with Indonesia. The publisher of that magazine is IALF. After she had read that magazine which has twenty pages for six days, she had found many interesting point of them. They are Future transportation low cost airlines. In the term of future transportation, it tells us that there was first friendly ‘bajaj’ in Jakarta. Sutiyoso had tested in driving it. That magazine also tells us about the low cost airlines in Indonesia. It was Lion air. As we know that several times ago, there had been accident twice by this kind of airlines. The conclusion of this magazine is that it is not only tells us about Australia but also Indonesia. It includes as easy to understanding. It can be got freely by sending e-mail to Let’s try it.

Move to next turn, that is Dwi’s turn. We should change our mind. The topic is about Korea culture. She got this article from internet by site http// It consists of two pages. She told us about Korean dress and tea ceremony. The traditional dress is called as hanbok. Each category of social status level has different type of clothes. They sign it based on social rank. Korean considers tea is not only as medicine because it has five tastes of it. They are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and pungent tastes. This article is easy in understanding and interesting.

The last but not the least turn was Dian’s. She shared about a book that has title “Code-Switching and Code Mixing in Multilingual Societies”. It has 170 pages. She did not read the whole pages, but she had read one part of them that is code switching that has four pages. That book tells us about code switching. The language that used in that book is medium in understanding because the author, Elizabeth Marasigan wrote that book was around 1983 based on her research. The main point of code switching is that the mixing of two languages in the same sentence or discourse. The example that given by author is Pilipino and English, Tagalog and English that had done by Azores in 1967. The domain factor of occurring of code mixing is by social and linguistics. Their environment influenced them much. The linguistics point of view told that language can be shifting and formulated for structures and recurring patterns. It was based on the Marfil-Pasigna study in 1970 and Pimentel study in 1972. This part of that book tells us about many other researches that had done by many linguists.

By closing of the explanation of the book, it means that the end of our first discussion. Let see for the next discussion. Don’t miss it. Created by Dwi-Ain-Dian (DAD)

Friday, 2 April 2010

Eva Agusti Purnarini [2201409086]

Exercise 5
1. Does this passage give you information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood?
    No, it doesn’t.
2. What is most of this passage about?
    This passage is most about Eleanor Roosevelt’s life.
3. Does this passage give a positive or negative impression of Mrs. Roosevelt? How can you tell?
    This passage gives us a positive impression because it talks about her career and her accomplishment.
4. What did Mrs. Roosevelt feel was greatest accomplishment?
    Mrs. Roosevelt felt was her greatest accomplishment when she worked in Declaration of Human Right.
5. What can you tell about Mrs. Roosevelt as a person?
    Mrs. Roosevelt is an influential person, I guess.

Exercise 6
1. What information does the encyclopedia entry add to what you already know about Mrs. Roosevelt?
    Encyclopedia entry adds much information about her childhood that she had an intensely unhappy      childhood.
2. In which ways are two passages similar? In which ways are they different?
   Similarity in the two passages is in containing. Both of them explain about Eleanor Roosevelt’s life.
   And the different is the way of presenting information that will to  inform to reader. In the second passage, the information arranged systematically and divided into several parts and each part there is subtitle than make the readers easy to understand than the first passage.
3. If you were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
    If I was writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt life, it is more useful if I use the encyclopedia entry one, because I will get more detail information from her childhood until her lately life, and her    achievements also.
4. If you were writing a report about the United Nations, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
5. Which is easier to skim, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
   I think, the passage which easier to skim is the encyclopedia entry, because it contains all life’s aspect, more detail, and it is divided into each aspect so that more easier to skim.

A'in Ratna Mulyani [2201409058]

Exercise 5

1. No, it doesn't. This passage doesn't give us information about Eleanor Roosevelt's childhood.
2. This passage tells us most about Eleanor Roosevelt's participation and appreciation of the United Nation's Commission on Human Rights.
3. This passage gives us a positive impression of Mrs. Roosevelt.
   For example we can see in paragraph 2: She was, without doubt, the most influential member of the United Nation's Commission on Human Rights.
    In paragraph 3: Her inthusiasm for her work at the United Nation was rooted in her humanitarian convictions and her steady faith in human dignity and worth.
4. The greatest accomplishment of Mrs. Roosevelt was Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    The delegates to the Commission on Human Rights elected Eleanor Roosevelt their chairperson.
5. Mrs. Roosevelt was an astute, accomplished,and intelligent woman, thoroughly familiar with the world of political negotiation.

Exercise 6

1. The encyclopedia entry adds more information about Eleanor Roosevelt.
    Not only her participation and appreciation in the United Nation, in the politic, but also gives us information about her biography, her childhood from she was a child until she passed away.
2. These two passages give us information about Eleanor Roosevelt.
    the differences are:
   => passage 1 is taken from internet or webpage. It just tells us about Mrs.Roosevelt impression in United Nation, and her accomplishment for Human Rights.
   => passage 2 is taken from encyclopedia. It tells us not only about her accomplishment but also tells us about her biography.
3. If I were writing about Eleanor Roosevelt's life, the source that would be more useful is encyclopedia.
   Because it gives me much information about her biography. it tells us her life from she was childhood until she died.
4. If I were writing a report about United Nations, the source that would be more useful is from internet or webpage.
   Becausei it gives me much information about United Nation. Besides, it also tells us about the story and the development of United Nation.
5. Its easier to skim the encyclopedia entry than the web page.
    Because encyclopedia entry is written more systematically than the web page. And the information in the encyclopedia is well organized.
    But, when we try to skim the web page, we got difficulties baecause it's written like a story. And we got difficult to find the main sentence in each part.

Noviana Sadam Dewanti [2201409034]

Exercise 5

1.    Does this passage give you information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood?
2.    What is most of this passage about?
3.    Does this passage give a positive or negative impression of Mrs. Roosevelt? How can you tell?
4.    What did Mrs. Roosevelt feel was greatest accomplishment?
5.    What can you tell about Mrs. Roosevelt as a person?
Answer :
1.    No, it doesn’t.
2.    It is most about Mrs. Roosevelt’s career accomplishment track, especially in human rights and politics.
3.    I think it gives a positive impression of Mrs. Roosevelt. We can know it by analyzing the main idea in each paragraph which mentions her great role and accomplishment for people.
4.    By getting it, she feels having a duty as one of ambassador for the common man and woman.
5.    According to me, she can be an aspirator for another. People can learn her behaviors, life-striving and accomplishments.

Exercise 6

1.    What information does the encyclopedia entry add to what you already know about Mrs. Roosevelt?
2.    In which ways are two passages similar? In which ways are they different?
3.    If you were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
4.    If you were writing a report about the United Nations, which source would be more useful, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
5.    Which is easier to skim, the web page or the encyclopedia entry? Why?
1.    It adds Mrs. Roosevelt’s life journey, political activities, contributions, and achievements especially in human rights.
2.    »The two passages have similarity in the general information about Mrs. Roosevelt’s life history and contributions.
        »The two passages have difference in how to present the information about Mrs. Roosevelt. In first passage, the information was arranged in article form that looks like a story and can be expressed more flexible. In other hand, the second one was arranged in pointing form (giving bolded subtitle in front of paragraph and exposing just the most Mrs. Roosevelt’s data).
3.    If I were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, I will choose web page because I can make it more interesting by arranging it freely likes as a short story, without changing the real data.
4.    If I were writing a report about United Nations, I will choose encyclopedia entry because it contains more points and fact information.
5.    In my opinion, it’s easier to skim encyclopedia entry because we can quickly find the general ideas in the bolded subtitles.

Dwi Iswahyuni [2201409028]

Exercise 5

1.    No, that passage doesn’t give me information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood.
2.    Most of that passage is about Eleanor Roosevelt’s accomplishment or her achievements in the struggle for human rights.
3.    This passage gives a positive impression of Mrs. Roosevelt. I can say that because in this passage, it describes about Mrs. Roosevelt’s greatest accomplishment and precious things that she had done ( such as in the first paragraph).
4.    Mrs. Roosevelt felt that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was her greatest accomplishment.
5.    Mrs. Roosevelt (as a person) is an independent woman. She is also a care person. Not only it, she is also smart, she has great spirit that will not give up to realize what she wants.

Exercise 6

1.    The encyclopedia entry adds information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood and more about Mrs. Roosevelt’s personal life ( from her childhood until she passed away).
2.    The two passages are similar in giving information about Mrs. Roosevelt’s accomplishment ( both of them tell about Mrs. Roosevelt’s accomplishment in the human right struggling).
The difference between both of them: (1) the second passage tells us more detail about Mrs. Roosevelt’s personal life ( for example: her childhood). (2) The source of the first passage is from internet web page, while the second passage is from encyclopedia entry ( the information is arranged more systematically).
3.    If I were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, the source that would be more useful is encyclopedia entry because it describes more detail about Mrs. Roosevelt’s life, starting from her childhood until she died.
4.    If I were writing a report about the United Nations, the source would be more useful is the web page because from it, I can get more information about the United States, such as the establishment of the United Nations.
5.    The encyclopedia entry is easier to skim because it is more systematic and there are subtitles ( the bold words in that passage) that can make us easier to understand the contain of the passage.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Rini Dwijayanti [2201409040]

      EXERCISE 5
  1. No,it doesn’t.
  2. Most of  this passage is about Eleanor Roosevelt’s participation and appreciation for human rights and all about humanity.
  3. This passage gives positives impression of  Mrs. Roosevelt because it tells us about her paces as the first lady who gives her cares for human rights. She also becomes a cornerstone in the struggle for human rights and fundamental  freedoms for everyone everywhere.
  4. Mrs. Roosevelt felt that the declaration of human rights was her greatest accomplishment in her life.
  5. I can tell that she is an accomplished, astute, and intelligent woman.

  1. The encyclopedia entry adds more about her early life, her personal independence, her family, and her accomplishment.
  2. The 2 passages have similarity because they both tell about one person,and they are different because the first passage tells just about Mrs. Roosevelt’s accomplishment,but the second passage tells about not only her accomplishment but also her own life.
  3. I would use the encyclopedia entry because i can add more about her early life,her personal independence,and her family,not only her accomplishments.
  4. I would use web page because I could write all of her achievements.
  5. The encyclopedia entry is easier to skim because there will be easy to distinguise the part of the passage.

Nur Aininna [2201409070]

Exercise 5

1.    No , the passage doesn’t give me any information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood.
2.    The passage is mostly about the biography of Eleanor Roosevelt , about what she did and her success
       in doing that.
3.    The passage gives a positive impression of  Mrs. Roosevelt , it is shown from the sentences written
       which talks about her modesty ,  her enthusiasm in human right , her optimism , her success in politics,        and also the achievements she got.
4.    What Mrs. Roosevelt felt about her greatest achievement was optimism and a determination.
5.    As a person , I can say that Mrs. Roosevelt was a great , smart , and modest woman who had huge
       contribution s in struggling for human dignity and worth. She’s a couragious person who was dare to
       struggle for what she believed was right.

Exercise 6

1)    The encyclopedia entry adds some informations about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood and her family.
2)    The two passages are similar for both are talking about  the biography of an inspiring figure Eleanor
       Roosevelt. But they are different for its  contents. The first text didn’t tell us about the childhood life of
       Eleanor . But the second text did.
3)    If  I were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt’s life , the encyclopedia entry would be a more useful
       source  for me , because usually the quality of the information  in the internet is below what we found in
4)    If  I were writing a report about US , The web page would be better to choose for it’s completed with
       some pictures or maps.
5)    It’s easier to skim rather than reading such a thick  encyclopedia  or  looking on a web page , because
       by skimming we don’t have to read all the words written that might  probably get us confused. We just
       need to find out the key words that answers the questions in our mind.

Sinta Arianti Siwi [2201409039]

Exercise 5 

1.    No, it does not give me information about Eleanor Roosevelt’s childhood.
2.    The most passage is about The Greatest Woman in the world (Eleanor Roosevelt) that the first woman who declares and introduces The Human’s Right to the world.
3.     This passage gives a positive impression of Mrs. Roosevelt. We can see that she was the most influential member of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Her enthusiasm for her work at the United Nations was rooted in her humanitarian convictions and her steady faith in human dignity and worth.
4.    Mrs. Roosevelt felt that her greatest accomplishment as the remarkable and greatest accomplishment in her life.
5.    Mrs. Roosevelt was an intelligent person I’ve ever known. She was an enthusiastic person, an astute, accomplished, brilliant woman thoroughly familiar with the word political negotiation. She was not only optimist person, but also she had a big idea for the human life. Despite of that, Adlai Stevenson, once said of Eleanor Roosevelt, “She would rather light a candle than curse he darkness” and I’m on his side.

Exercise 6
1.    The encyclopedia gives more information about Mrs. Roosevelt’s childhood (it includes the place, and the time she was born completely). It also gives me the entire of her life until she passed away.
2.    The passage one and the passage two are similar in the explanation about Mrs. Roosevelt as the Greatest Woman through the world and her achievement. The differences are in the first passage described about the accomplishment of Mrs. Roosevelt in the Declaration on Human Rights generally. But in the second passage brought the information of the Mrs. Roosevelt’s life completely.
3.    If I were writing a report on Mrs. Roosevelt‘s life, I prefer using the encyclopedia one, because the encyclopedia supply the details information about Mrs. Roosevelt’s life. Not only in the childhood, but also in the end of her life. 
4.    If I were writing a report about the United Nations, I would rather use the web one than an encyclopedia. A web opens the entire of the source widely.  So that we can absorb the information and sources from it.
5.    In my side, the encyclopedia is easier to skim. With many reasons, I will explain it one by one.
First, reading encyclopedia is the same as we read the text book or a story book.
Second, if we read the encyclopedia, we get the general idea.
Third, Reading a web likes reading only the opinion of the writers in the web, that sometimes the writer gave the wrong information about the information and he/ she doesn’t have the responsibility about that. All of that, reading a web is not the bad one also; it’s just giving another source besides encyclopedia.

Group 7

Shinta Arianti Siwi        [2201409039]

Title :  Voice of Indonesia

Author : Anand Krishna

Publisher : Anand Krishna Cooperative Society

Date published : 2007            Number of pages/paragraphs: 260 pages

Type of book:__Fiction    _√_Nonfiction

Level of difficulty for you: __Easy _√_OK__Difficult
What did you like most about this book/article?
 » I like this book because the language style of the book is very simple, friendly, and funky. With core messages about love and spiritual self-empowerment.

What did you like least about this book/article?
» The story is too much setting. Each topic is different.

Noviana Sadam Dewanti    [2201409034]

Title :  The Speckled Band Other Stories

Author : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Publisher : Dian Rakyat

Date published : 1986            Number of pages/paragraphs: 73 pages

Type of book:_√_Fiction    __Nonfiction

Level of difficulty for you: _√_Easy __OK__Difficult

What did you like most about this book/article?
 » I like this novel because I like reading a detective story and comic. This novel consists of three stories; The Speckled Band, The Dancing Men, and The Red-Headed League. It made me curious, thinking deeply and looking at many situations with different side. It is simple, easy to be understood, not too many difficult words because there is Glossary in it. I have just known that the code in The Dancing Men was linked to the comic of Detective Conan 12th and 13th editions. I have never supposed it before.

What did you like least about this book/article?
» It made me addicted. I wanted to finish it as soon as possible, so I forgot my several duties.

Eva Agusti Purnarini        [2201409086]

Title :  The Princess Present

Author : Meg Cabot

Publisher : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Date published : December 2004        Number of pages/paragraphs: 104 pages

Type of book:_√_Fiction    __Nonfiction

Level of difficulty for you: __Easy _√_OK__Difficult

What did you like most about this book/article?
 » I like this book because it can make me imagine about the situation of Kingdom’s life, and there are many surprised and funny stories about activities of Princess Mia and her family to prepare their presents for their honorable guest.

What did you like least about this book/article?
» What I like least about this book is this book sometimes makes me confuse because of its words and the stories will never happen to my life. In the other hand, the stories were very fictitious in my life.